Sunday 6 November 2011

Herbstmesse Part 2

There's always food in every Fair. Most of the food are usually sweets. But there are also other kind of food.Like this one, It's Asian fast food.  

This is one of my favourite food at Herbstmesse Kaesbaengli (I hope I spelled it right). It's made out of half baguette and fondue cheese. So yummy. 

 One of the sweets booth got an animated witch puppet n their roof. It popped up and start to laugh in a way evil witch like to laugh. (I forgot to put the right setting before I took this picture, the result everything went blue) Here as you can see (or probably not) they sell a lot of chocolate coated fruits, Magebrot [made out of honey, water ,flour and some other spices such as star anise, cinnamon, clove and mace. Typical food from north west Switzerland and southern Germany] , Rhamtaeffeli [made out of full cream, sugar and butter ] 

 Moving on to Muenster (Münster), I was assuming they are selling the same food. I was astonished to see this in the corner of the square